
MIT 한국총동문회에 문의하세요

Course별 담당 문의하기

MIT 한국총동문회 admin@mitkorea.org 

Undergraduate (학부) mwkim@korea.ac.kr 

Course 1 (토목) phillseung@kaist.ac.kr 

Course 2 (기계) kwonhkim@korea.ac.kr 

Course 3 (재료) eyoon@snu.ac.kr 

Course 4 (건축) sehack@janghak.kr 

Course 6 (전기전산) ytyoon@snu.ac.kr 

Course 10( 화학) sungcap@gmail.com 

Course 12 (항공우주) jooslee@kaist.ac.kr 

Course 13 (해양조선) yhwankim@snu.ac.kr 

Course 15 (경영) ghkim@stonebridge.co.kr 

Course 22 (원자핵공학) kysuh@snu.ac.kr 

MAS (MIT Media Lab) jaylee@alum.mit.edu

MIT 한국대학원학생회 (KGSA)

The Korean Graduate Students Association (KGSA) represents the Korean community of graduate students at MIT and plan various events throughout the year, from hosting social activities for members to facilitating career opportunities with Korean companies. We aim to foster a tight-knit community that shares academic interests and cultural identity and hope to serve as ambassadors of Korean culture in the greater Boston area and beyond.

MIT 한국학생회 (KSA)

The Korean Students' Association exists as a non-political club to provide opportunities for Korean undergraduates at MIT to explore their common ethnic and cultural backgrounds and to promote the understanding of the Korean people and culture. To this aim, it holds many social, cultural, athletic, and community service events throughout the year, open to the entire MIT community. We’re here to help connect everyone interested in the Korean-American culture, good food, and great friends.

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MIT 지역 동문회

No matter where your path takes you, you can always find an MIT connection. View the map below to see where around the globe MIT alumni have established alumni clubs and regional presences. Find MIT Clubs around the world. There are about 10,000 MIT alumni from 29 Clubs across Asia region.

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MIT 동문회와 관련된 과거 자료 (행사, 장소, 프로그램, 사진 등)을 공유하고자 하시는 동문께서는 admin@mitkorea.org로 보내주세요.
